Friday, 20 May 2011

A Bit More Time to Sunset

In my post of 2nd May (Time to Sunset), I was showing the movement of the sun before sunset. It was part my passing-of- time-in-one-picture idea. I had photographed the position of the sun every 10 minutes over 90 minutes before sunset and then combined the images to show the movement of the sun over that period. I really liked the resulting image and thought that I would have another go, but this time for a longer period.

I used the same position shooting through the bedroom window as before, looking out across to the horizon between some trees. I shot every 10 minutes for almost 3 hours, but some of the shots were with the sun behind the trees, so in the end I only used those pictures taken over a 2 hour period. I combined them to get the image below.

A rather nice effect shown in the picture is the rainbow fringes above the images of the sun. These were caused, I think, by the window glass and the fine dust particles on the glass. 
Although it was created in the same way as the previous picture, this one has quite a different feel. I like it, but I think I probably like the original best. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Is the reflection of you in the window on purpose Eddie? :)
